I'm Ai, from online!

About Ai

Chest-up image of Ai, a white person with brown hair, blue eyes, and red-framed glasses, who is smiling widely. Zie is wearing a blue and pink plaid shirt.

Ai Miller (zie/hir ("zee"/"hear")) works, writes, labors, and lives in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. A grad school dropout, zie organizes with the Mississippi Five campaign and is also a union rep for hir union. Ai is interested in what it means to live a life of the mind while also actively working for a better world. Zie talks endlessly about PIC abolition, labor unions, intellectually rigourous forms of feminism, harm reduction, and new ways of organizing ourselves. When not yelling on the internet, Ai reads whatever zie can get hir hands on, tries to wiggle hir way into projects with others (including making zines with Strange Deer Press), knits and crochets, and yells IRL.

About the Site

This site is both an attempt to have a "room of one's own" for writing (to get back into the practice of writing for myself) and an exercise in learning how to do new things--in this case, how to make a website. As such, it is perpetually under construction; links may be broken or lead to dead pages.